Leading the Generations

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2019

Leading and communicating in today’s world can be difficult at best for even the finest conversationalists. Leading an organization of more than just a handful of people can have many trials and tribulations because of communication breakdowns between the generations. In today’s applicant pools and employee rosters, we find ourselves attempting to communicate and develop more generations than we have ever had to lead in history. Not only are we trying to influence their actions and behaviors, but they are also trying to do the same as front-line supervisors and peer-to-peer. Let’s take a closer look at the differences in these four generations in the possibilities of our growth through our differences.

While each generation has its own unique makeup. Not every person will identify with, or share the characteristics described in their respective generation. You will usually find those individuals will fall into the end or beginning of two generational timelines....

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Engaged Leadership

Uncategorized Aug 05, 2019

When I first found myself starting to be successful in the infancy of my leadership career. I discovered that I was feeling increasingly lonely. Like I was all by myself on an island… Many times this was in my office or when in one of my facilities trying to strategize or solve a problem on my own. An issue or problem that I thought only a leader could solve. This is a very destructive, dysfunctional and limited way of leading. A true leader will find themselves surrounded and engaged with not only their followers, but also peer leaders in other organizations, and mentors. Let’s take a look at how we ca design and develop engaged leadership. 

Engagement must first start with self. Your self-image is the most important part of you as an individual and as a leader. Self-image and leadership starts from the inside out not the outside in. In most incidences, when I am coaching an executive, I...

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A Critical Thinking Process

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2017

Have you ever observed somebody’s actions and said to yourself “they just don’t have any common sense.” I have even looked in the mirror and said that to myself at times. There are many thoughts and actions that we see as something that people are just born with, like common sense or intuition. This is simply not true. Let me explain…

Over the last couple of decades that I have been developing leaders. I have found that people are taught and learn a critical thinking process (CTP) through mentors and experiences. It is not something you’re born with, or blessed with through divine intervention. CTP is not a core essential human need, such as hunger pains when you need nourishment or getting tired when you need to rest. It is more like a thermostat that will turn on the air conditioning when it is too hot or the heat pump when it is too cold and it can really be that simple, if you put your mind to it.

You must build your critical thinking process...

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The Journey Begins

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2017

So, you think you want to be a leader… It has been said that a journey of thousand miles starts with a single step (Laozi). That’s a great way to start if you’re taking a walk, but I will challenge you with the paradigm “Every leadership journey starts with a single thought”. That’s right, a single thought. That single thought usually derives from the desire to want to make something better. And for a leader, that is wanting to make people’s lives better. That could be through a product, service, or a new way of thinking (perception transformation). If you are an aspiring leader or a leader that just seems to be stuck. There are some things you will need to focus on to succeed in your leadership journey.

First… You must stop focusing on your own success and focus on the success of others. A leader is only as successful as their followers. As I started my career in leadership, 25 years ago. I was totally focused on “my...

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